The Double Dodecapus
Here are some photos of a Space Bloom in progress. I've dubbed this one the Double Dodecapus since it has two sets of twelve arms and I heard the Port Discovery staff has been referring to it as "The Octopus." Since the netting over the arms is pretty fragile despite efforts to make it as durable as possible, it's going to be incorporated as a hanging element rather than a floor cushion. I think it will work well as an arial bloom which will allow the yarn from the center net to hang down and look more like the center of a flower.
It was going to have 16 arms, which would have made it a Hexadecapus... or something like that. |
Stitching the arms on... |
All 24 attached! |
Getting fancier... |
Woah! That is awesome. So cool to see how much progress you're making. Do they have adult day at Port Discovery? I'd like to come play in the Space Garden.