The Guinea Pigs

The goal of this week was to install some mobiles and attach a few panels to the mural.  This way I can make adaptations to any of the mobiles that are still in progress and plan for how want them to hang the ceiling using yarn, wire, or fishing line.  I will be able to complete the other panels keeping in mind how I attached the finished ones to the wall as well.  I started with the Double Dodecapus since she's the biggest and I wanted her to be the central point in the installation.

Hanging the mobiles.  I had to maneuver around the Dodecapus every time I extended the lift.  Luckily it's quite huggable. 

Seeing how the badminton mobile looks with a fan shield center.
A sneak peak of what to expect next week!
Space Paramecium! 

The Bottle Cap Abacus


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